0 comments / Posted by Christine Dimmick

Hi Everyone!
I so hope this finds you well and able to do a little more with the vaccine now fully out.  Here in NYC we were lucky to be vaccinated back in February and are enjoying more comfort eating out – even a movie! It is still tough of course and I am very much missing seeing my family and friends.  The hope that our diligence will soon pay off and we can gather this Summer keeps me going.

Let me share with you some amazing news that we were able to do because of you! We have donated $1196 to the Philipstown Garden Club in honor of my Mom.  With every Hyacinth product purchase, Good Home donates $1 - she would be so proud of what we have raised so far.  I am hopeful this Summer we will have pictures to share of all they have done with our donations.

AND We also have planted over 1000 trees with One Tree Planted.  1098 to be exact! 

This is incredible and all thanks to your purchases and support of Good Home.  Planting and keeping/increasing biodiversity is key to our health and our planet.  This article from Earthjustice explains it - What is the Biodiversity Crisis?

How can we live in reciprocity with humans, animals, plants and resources?  How can we do better as a business and not just support ourselves, but our planet too?  It is a process that is constantly evolving for me.

Thank you for being a part of this and being the change.  Here is to new growth this Spring and new ways to thank our precious planet.

xo Christine


New fragrance! ICYMI on Instagram, we are launching a new scent in Laundry Detergent and Fragrance. A delicious combo of pineapple and coconut – but what to name it?! So we asked for your help and received nearly 200 suggestions! And the winner is… Cleanacolada! We thought this submission by Darcey Chorney truly captured it. She won 4 cases of the new scent in Detergent and Fragrance – and of course bragging rights. Thanks to all who joined in on the fun. Look for Cleanacolada to be available June 21st on the Summer Solstice!

I have been learning as much as I can about bees. Besides being responsible for 1/3 of the food we eat – they have unbelievable abilities that I think you will be surprised to learn – including recognizing human faces. This article and Ted Talk by Noah Wilson Rich was inspiring – Bees can remember human faces – and 7 other surprising facts about these important insects.

After watching I am sure you will see the importance of saving the bees (as well as other pollinators) and want to help them thrive as much as we can. Here is a way you can help by creating a planting a pollinator garden in the Northeast – Pollinator Pathways – and here is how it all started by one woman – Sarah Bergmann – The Pilot: Seattle's Pollinator Pathway.

One of the problems bees and humans are facing is the proliferation of pesticides. We are seeing our own health fail from too much spraying and bees are in fact dying from it. In fact – did you know that your city and state run parks may be using pesticides? I didn’t until I met the Founder of Non-Toxic Neighborhoods – Kim Konte. She is leading the way to ban glyphosate and other pesticides and has over 200+ cities working to do just that. And I am happy to report that we successfully banned it here in New York State with Governor Cuomo signing the bill this year! Check and see if your city is on the list and if not, please sign up! Non-Toxic Neighborhoods.

Lastly, I want to mention a book I just read that changed my life for the better. It is called “Fixation – how to have stuff without breaking the planet.” By Sandra Goldmark.

I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Sandra on my podcast and I hope you will give it a listen. Since reading her book I have fixed my blender, my rain boots, my vacuum and mended several masks and pillowcases. Sandra is one of the smartest humans I know and she says if we are to have a truly circular economy, mending and repairs are going to have to be a part of it. And an added benefit? It feels good and empowering. Oh, I hope you get this book. You can buy it here – and I hope you listen – Care to Repair.

Thank you all for your kind notes of encouragement. I love receiving your notes and emails. Please stay in touch and let me know what you are up to this Spring.

Looking forward to our next newsletter when it will officially be Summer!

Until then – be well –



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