Our Blog
Goodbye Amazon, Hello Good Home Store

It’s me again : )
First, my sincerest gratitude to everyone for their wonderful response to my last shipping update email. I am truly so grateful for the time you took to respond and for your support of Good Home. I have corresponded with many of you over the years and it is wonderful that we are still connected. That is exactly what Good Home is about – family and friends and caring for one another.
So today I wanted to share with you a decision that I made a few weeks ago about Amazon.com.
I have never been a fan of Amazon, but perhaps like you, I figured this is the future of commerce. For instance, we didn’t have a website twenty years ago, we just sold wholesale to retailers. Eventually I was pushed to create a website, but I was hesitant. I was concerned our wholesale accounts would lose business, but it soon became evident that to survive we needed to.
Amazon is alluring with its Prime shipping and immediate delivery and access to anything you can imagine at your convenience. But someone pays for that, and I found out it is us, the seller, who absorbs the shipping, advertising, returns and convenience. For every sale, we made 10% which simply isn’t enough to support even a two person company. It should not have surprised me, everything they do is optimized to their benefit. My local Whole Foods no longer has cashiers, we check ourselves out, we pay for delivery (it used to be free) and the food often comes spoiled or tasteless. Not to mention they allow GMO ingredients all throughout the store.
Once we started thinking about cutting costs to make it work, I had enough. I would rather be a small business with quality product, than a large business selling junk.
So going forward, you will see very small amounts of product on Amazon. THIS WILL NOT affect shipping costs that will still be reduced as I announced a few weeks ago, thanks to Shopify’s help.
I realize for many of you this is an inconvenience. I get it. I am no stranger to buying on Amazon myself. I hope that knowing the back story will make it less frustrating. I also hope you will consider subscribing to the items you always want in your home. We do offer that here.
Lastly, this will enable us to have more discounts more frequently which we love to give to you!
Thank you again for your support and please do let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Be well -