Our Blog
Caring for our Good Home

Hi all!
My son and I recently helped with a beach cleanup with Wymara resort in Turks for the TCReef fund. In one hour we collected 200 lbs of trash spanning just a 1/4 mile of beach!
Here is everything we collected:
39 cig butts
44 plastic takeout boxes
12 foam takeout boxes
50 plastic caps
47 metal caps
30 lids
33 straws/stirrers
20 cutlery
32 wrappers
76 plastic bottles
119 glass bottles
51 cans
7 grocery bags
23 other bags
21 paper cups/plates
39 plastic cups/plates
10 foam cups/plates
8 clothing
1 shoe
6 hygiene products
3 sailing materials
14 misc. materials
1 stationary
3 beach supplies
ALL THANKS to the amazing team at Wymara Turks and Caicos!
The crew along with all 200 lbs of the the trash we gathered.
You can help too!
It always feels great to serve, but sometimes you don’t know how. At Good Home Co. we hand select organizations that give back and that strive to better our beautiful world. The Turks and Caicos Reef Fund is one of the funds we support through sales of our Cleanacolada products.
With each sale of Cleanacolada we give $1 to the TCReef Fund!