0 comments / Posted by Christine Dimmick

Happy Fall to you and your loved ones!
Hard to believe but we have nearly reached the end of this year.  I know we all are breathing a deep sigh after that sentence. 

2020 has been a tremendous loss for all of us.  Whether it be a job, income, a home and in the worse case a loved one, we have as a collective gone through a lot of difficulties together.

There is no life that does not have its challenges or its “hard” times.  Losing my Mom has been the hardest of all that I have faced in my 51 years.  But I have learned I am not alone. 

As Thanksgiving approaches, I remind myself that her passing was so great, because the love was that much greater.  When we think about the gatherings we miss so very much - it is only because they were that much fun.  What a blessing.  How lucky we are to have had these things we now miss?  More will come.  A vaccine is almost here – and how incredible will our first mask-less gathering be? 

Imagine the joy to come.  I choose to focus on that, than the sadness of the past.

I want you to know that I am truly grateful for you this year.  All of your kind words, sharing of experience, support of the company and for just spending this time with me.  I wish you only wellness and may joy be the neighbor you sit with and happiness your friend for life. 

xo Christine

Leave the Leaves! That’s right – do not rake! Don’t believe me – this article will have you convinced.

Fall is the Season for Mulching with Leaves!

Need inspiration? Try listening to my podcast! I started this last year to raise up the voices of those out there making a difference. I promise that you will be inspired by these amazing humans to be the change! Listen here at www.bethechange.nyc

It's back! Our Pine Forest scent that smells exactly like a Frasier Fir Christmas Tree is back in stock. Right now we have the candle and we hope to have the Detergent and Laundry Fragrance before Christmas. This is a limited scent and once we run out – we are out!


Is your favorite product out of stock?
We apologize. It has been a struggle to get components during Covid. As you know we manufacture everything in Allentown, PA, but some of the parts – like this sprayer on our All Purpose Cleaner – are only made by one manufacturer who is overseas. Yes one company makes sprayers that fit our bottle. We sincerely apologize for the delays and are ordering 6 month’s worth to stay in stock. Thank you for staying so patient. 


One of my favorite places to donate and support and support is my local park TheBattery.org  I helped with their urban farm and weeded all Summer.  As Winter approaches we are planting bulbs now. This beautiful Hawk came by to say hello the other day.


And lastly with so many out of work and small businesses struggling – we will continue to maintain 30% off sitewide.  We hope it helps you and know that every purchase helps us.

Visit us at goodhomestore.com

One last thought. We do not need to be together to be thankful.  We do not need to buy a gift to be giving.  I think the true spirit of the holidays will shine this year and for that I am grateful.
Be well!



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