Our Blog
Thank You For Supporting Nature
Hi Everyone!
I hope your Summer is going well. Here in NYC we have experienced a very hot June. Temperatures have been in the 90s already. The hot weather is a concern for us all and it is overwhelming. As many of you know, I spend my spare time working on and researching climate solutions and finding ways we can all make a difference, even if our elected officials refuse to!
This week I wanted to share some of the work the NGOs we support are doing to help reverse the damage humans have caused and are indeed making a difference.
From inception, we have always given back for what we take. Every ingredient and packaging component and the energy it takes to make any product is a resource taken from our planet. As a company we realize that we must not get too big and also give back in order to maintain a balance for all who call this planet home.
Thank you as always for your support –
Be well – Christine
Hyacinth Laundry Detergent & Laundry Fragrance
We donate $1 to The Philipstown Garden Club with every purchase of a Hyacinth scented Laundry Fragrance or Detergent.
The Philipstown Garden Club is active in supporting policy change and community change in NY State to protect our pollinators via the https://www.pollinator-pathway.org/ and encouraging pesticide-free gardening and the use of native plants.
About the Charity

Established in 1914 the objective of the Philipstown Garden Club shall be to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening, flower arranging, and to improve and protect the quality of the environment through programs and actions in the field of conservation, civic improvement and education. Learn More!
Cleanacolada Laundry Detergent and Laundry Fragrance
We donate $1 to the TCReef Fund with every purchase of a Cleanacolada scented Laundry Fragrance or Detergent
We came to meet the incredible work of the TCReef Fund on a visit to Providenciales and were overcome with gratitude for the work they are doing to maintain coral reef health and to rebuild what was lost. It is the third largest barrier reef in the world and not only provides safety to the islands, it supports the health of the ocean – which is essential to our very human life, providing at least 50% of the oxygen on planet Earth.
They are currently in need of supplies on island for their work. If you wish to provide additional support, you can order here and we will bring them down on our next visit – and send you a personal thank you on Instagram! For shipping address email bridget@goodhomeco.com
About the Charity

The Turks and Caicos Reef Fund (a 501c3 organization) was established to help preserve and protect the environment of the "Beautiful by Nature" Turks and Caicos Islands, an environment that draws so many visitors to these islands and is critical to our economic and physical survival.
Pine Forest Laundry Detergent and Laundry Fragrance
We plant one tree with every purchase of Pine Forest scented Laundry Fragrance or Detergent
Mature tree canopies don’t just provide homes and sustenance for hundreds of species, they also cool our planet and our homes. I am experiencing this first hand in NYC where our Governor decided to chop down an entire park in front of my apartment. The tree canopy provided cooling, which we no longer have and our home is 5 degrees warmer than last year.
World economists have put the value of a mature tree and what it provides us at over $1 million dollars each.
So we plant trees. Over 1,000 with your purchases to date!
About the Charity
We want to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Together we can restore forests, create habitat for biodiversity, and make a positive social impact around the world. We plant one tree with every dollar donated. Since 2014, we have more than doubled the number of trees planted each year and are working with partners across 47+ countries in North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Pacific. Learn More!