2 comments / Posted by Christine Dimmick

Christine Dimmick and her mother

Happy Sunday to you!

I hope that this update finds you and your loved ones well and enjoying the day.

We are happy to report that all of our COVID symptoms have pretty much left. Though my husband has the occasional reminder he is not 100%, myself and my son are both recovered as far as we know.  I say that because it appears there are still so many unknowns.  We will be having antibody testing next week at our Dr.'s office and I will happily share the info and the experience with you all. 

We continue to quarantine in NYC while so many other places are opening.  I imagine reopening is quite frightening - given the uncertainties of it all - and if this is happening in your town, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I do hope you stay protected and trust in your own instincts and do what is right by you.

Today I want to share with you another personal story.  This is the story of my Mom - an incredible woman who recently passed away in February - from what we believe was Covid19.  Her illness was a mystery for the 45 days I was by her side in the hospital.  But of course having gone through what I have, I now know she contracted this terrible virus at the end of December and was one who would not recover.

Christines mother

My Mom was a great lover of nature, recently retired, she was a member of the Philipstown Garden Club .  Up until she couldn't lift her hand to text, she was emailing and editing the newsletter and working on the pollinator pathway.

A huge supporter of my company since day one, she would purchase Good Home products every sale we had, no matter if she need them or not, and never mind she could get them for free anytime she wanted.  She was not overly wealthy - nor was she poor - but she gave with all her heart.  So in her honor - I will be giving $1 for every bottle sold of our new Hyacinth Laundry Fragrance and Detergent in her memory to her beloved garden club. They will be available for sale May 28th.

Hyacinth Laundry Detergent

Hyacinth and Lilac were my Mother's Favorite Good Home scents and I am so grateful to you to be able to do this.  You - our customer - make this possible and with every order we receive I am aware of this beautiful exchange.  Thank you.

For those of you who have been along this incredible ride with us for the past 25 years, you know we were small - and then quite big - and then small again.  Big was profitable and it did feel rewarding to be acknowledged - but it also took away a little bit of our heart + soul with demands that growth has.I have learned a lot in the process, but I have to say that we are the smallest we have ever been and I am the happiest.  This might be the very lesson we are all learning globally right now. 

My Mom knew this. She had a long career in one industry, and while highly regarded, she never had CEO or President as her title - because she never wanted it.  She knew the joys of being a team player and helping others achieve their dreams was sometimes even more pleasurable than when we achieve our own. 

When she passed I had to go through her belongings and in her wallet I found a card.  It is entitled Lessons from Geese.  Along with the usual credit cards and money, this is what she chose to carry around with her daily.  We gave this out at her memorial and I hope you don't mind me sharing it with you.  It is the wisdom from my very special Mother and I know she would be tickled I shared it with everyone.

Lessons from Geese

If your Mom is still living - please hug or call her for those of us who can't this holiday and to those who aren't Mom's by birth but caregivers of the earth - I celebrate you too. And for those who have never had the experience of a maternal figure, I want to acknowledge your feelings and thank you for reading this post.

Lastly - thank you all for your comments.  They are a joy to receive and in the spirit of the maternal - a comfort - just like my Mom.

Be well -




Thank you + be well -



  • Posted On May 11, 2020 by Jen

    Your mom seemed like a wonderful person. I’m very, very sorry for your loss. Be well, stay strong, blessings to you. May you find comfort and peace in knowing you were loved and can pass that love along to your family and customers.

  • Posted On May 11, 2020 by Barb McGuinness

    What a beautiful post!! I am so sorry for your loss. My mom died, geez – 19 years ago! You’ve certainly had a very hard journey over the last five months. It does get easier and the pain does fade-memories begin to bring joy and not sorrow.
    I have loved your products since I discovered them in a small shop in Lambersville NJ years and years ago. Beach days is my favorite so far. I am going to buy some hyacinth products in memory of your dear mom. Stay strong and trust Christ.

    Barb McG
    A happy, loyal customer

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